
Meet Us

Pete and Lee

Pete and Lee

Pete and I met in 2008 through mutual friends. He was living in Connecticut and I was living in New Jersey, so we did the semi-long distance thing until I moved in with him in 2010. We got married the following year and bought our first home in 2012. We currently live in Terryville, CT and both work full time.



We adopted Gamy on February 15, 2014. We were immediately drawn to her because she’s adorable and was so calm in the midst of the chaos at the PetSmart adoption event. It turned out that she was just sick with something similar to kennel cough and very underweight. Her name is a nickname for Gamakatsu fishing hooks. Don’t let her Pit Bull looks fool you – she’s not at tough as she looks!

Hannah Elizabeth


Hannah was born on February 20, 2015. You can read about my pregnancy here, and Hannah’s birth stories here and here.

Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa

We are incredibly lucky to have Pete’s parents living less than two miles away from us. They watched Hannah full time before and after her surgery and still dog-sit Gamy in the afternoons.

Juju and Jeep

Juju and Jeep

My parents still live in New Jersey but venture up her every two-three weeks for a visit. My dad will watch Hannah while my mom takes me out for a much needed girls’ day of shopping, or they’ll watch Hannah so Pete and I can go out together.

One thought on “Hello!

  1. maxdwh

    I just stumbled across your blog and it’s very well written. I must remember to check back now and again to witness Hannah growing up. Sound like you’re doing great as her mother —you’re great parents. Keep it up!


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